an Interactive Genealogy: click on the names for information
Introduction to History
Scyld Shef'sson and Beowulf: the Anglosaxon mythology
***Fides Angliarum Regum: the conversion of the pagan AngloSaxons from their cult of war and ancestor worship to Christianity.
Woden and Cerdic
King Arthur and Merlin: What the primary sources have to say.
And now for something completely different...
Peasant berates King:
(from the costume drama "Monty Python and the Holy Grail")
***The Medieval Canon:
: part One the Gospels
: part Two the Christology of Gregory of Tours
: part Three the Hermits of the Desert
: part Four JesusThe Saxons in Wessex
The Norseman Duchy (Nor'mand'y)
Medieval Coins
The Annales Cambriae: the Welsh chronicle
***Godwine and Cnut: from the mutiny of Wulfnoth in A.D. 1009, important to the succession of many English Kings, to the elevation of Edward the Confessor.
Godwine's Trick an alternate version of the Godwine elevation from the Vita Haroldi
Lady Godiva The ever popular Coventry legend
The True Tale of Macbeth as recorded in the contemporary Irish and Norwegian annales.
The tragedy of Harold Godwinesson: condensed from the lost biography translated by Walter Birch.
1066 A good long story of The Norman Conquest
The AngloNorman Court
The New Forest a review of and excerpts from Landscape and Memory by Simon Schama
Public Records:
The Crusades: Clumsy plan to advance papal interests abroad. Thousands respond to promise of entry into paradise by volunteering to die in Holy War.
***The Twelfth Century Renaissance: contact with Islamic science and learning awakened dormant European mental activity.
Godfrey of Bulloigne: the rare sixteenth century biography by Edward Fairfax is reproduced here in full, for fans of late medieval literature.
Gregorian Chant: try singing along with the monks.
Medieval Construction
Page 1 : Ecclesiastical and Royal Buildings
Page 2 : Saxon Manors and Market Buildings
Page 3 : Farm Buildings
Page 4 : Late Medieval Town Houses
Queen Elizabeth (Woodeville) de Grey: the War of the Roses
Queen Elizabeth I (ap Tudor) and William Cecil
All the King's Men: the English rebellion
Music Sampling:Gregorian Chant et cetera
Addendum: histories outside the medieval period
The traditional sound of medieval Gregorian Chant
Vespers (1.5 megs)
click here
e-mail: medievalhistorynet@yahoo.com